Last week my purse was stolen out of the trunk of my car as I was hiking in Santa Fe, my new home. I’ve traveled all over the world by myself and have never had my property stolen – I’ve lost my fair share of items, and surprisingly often had them returned. So it was a unique experience for me to return to my unharmed car, finding nothing else was taken except for my purse.

My first response was total surprise – I honestly thought I was going crazy and so checked and re-checked my trunk. And then I went through the motions of calling and cancelling all my credit cards, closing an account because checks were in my purse, and making an appointment at the DMV for a new license. Even though I was cranky, tired and upset, I took care to be kind, gracious and thankful to all those who helped me.

And once the initial anger, violation, confusion and hurt subsided, I realized the experience provided a beautiful opportunity for healing. Determined not to turn inward and “get smaller” as a result of the experience, two days later I returned to the same parking lot, parked in the same space and hiked the same trail as before – this time carrying in a pack anything of value (which, as a side note, is really the safest way to hike).

As I was hiking, the idea of returning the following day with a tobacco offering for the trail, as well as offering an energy clearing, blessings and Reiki came to me. So yesterday afternoon, I returned again, with a satchel of tobacco I’d blessed in meditation earlier in the day, surrounded by protective, grounding and healing crystals.

As I hiked, I sprinkled small amounts of tobacco along the trail, sending out a blessing for healing of the space and land, love and light for the individuals that needed the contents of my purse so badly, and a return to myself of any parts that still felt violated or in unrest from the experience. When I returned to the parking lot, I used the last of the tobacco to create a cleansing and protective circle around the space, drawing a purple and white shield of healing Reiki energy. I also said a blessing for anyone else who’d had something taken in this lot or any other such space in the world, as well as sending healing to anyone, anywhere who has been so desperate they have needed to take something that wasn’t theirs.

Leaving I felt cleansed and cleared, and excited to return and hike at this beautiful spot that I love. Also, as I was walking the trail, toward the very end I came upon these two beautiful heart shaped stones, literally on my path. It was a wonderful reminder that love is just in front of us, if we take the time to look, to heal and to set intention.

I’ve included below instructions for a similar blessing/healing should you ever encounter a space or place that feels it could use some cleansing, clearing and protecting. Or if ever you’ve had belongings taken and want to reclaim parts of yourself and send forgiveness and healing to those who did the taking.

Blessing for Healing from Theft


  • Offering of some kind and satchel (tobacco, cornmeal, native plant seeds)
  • Grounding, protective and healing crystals
  • Candles (black for protection, green for healing and/or red for grounding)


  1. Sit in quiet meditation, surrounded by your candles, crystals and the container holding the offering along with the empty satchel. Spend 5-10 minutes grounding and centering yourself, connecting with your breath and feeling into your heart, as well as any of the emotions or thoughts you have about the experience.
  2. Light the candles in front of you, saying out loud what each one represents for you and what you are calling in with its use (i.e. “I light this black candle to represent protection of myself and my property” or “I light this green candle to call in healing for myself from this incident.”)
  3. Hold each of the crystals and do the same, calling in their properties and what you are using them for during this blessing. Intuitively place them around the candles and/or on your body.
  4. Take the offering (tobacco, cornmeal, etc.) and begin placing pinchfuls of it in the satchel, and as you place the offering in the satchel, say a blessing for what you are calling in for yourself with this healing. The wording I used is below, and you can use or edit for your purposes.

  5. I bless this sacred offering and into it I release any negativity

    discomfort or pain I am holding onto in relation to having my property
    taken from me without my permission.I release any negative or lingering karma between
    myself and those who took my belongings.I create a circle of loving, light-filled protection
    around myself and my belongings.

    I affirm that I am safe, provided for and protected, always.I also send love, light and forgiveness to those who took my belongings
    and if their soul permits, send them a healing as well.

    I bless my path and hold it and myself in the highest loving light.
  6. Once the satchel is packed, hold it in your hands and imagine all of the blessings and wishes you called in going into the satchel. You may include anything you want to release as well as what you’d like to call in/create.
  7. Go to the place where the theft or taking occurred (if you can – if you can’t physically go there again, you could do this in meditation). You can sprinkle the tobacco along a path you took before you discovered the theft (i.e. a place you were walking around before you got to your car), or just work on the space where the theft occurred.
  8. As you sprinkle the tobacco, restate the spirit of the intentions/blessing you created in meditation. Imagining that which you no longer need leaving you, as you also bless and clear the path you are on.
  9. When you get to the space where the theft occurred, start in the East if you can, and go in a counterclockwise circle to create protection, using the last bits of the tobacco to create a protective and clearing circle. If you are a Reiki practitioner, you can also use the symbols here and send some healing Reiki into the space and the earth.
  10. After drawing a circle, find a quiet and private space nearby (I did this in my car) and sit quietly in meditation, grounding and repeating the original blessing and, if you wish, adding in a cleansing and healing for the space, the earth and all those involved in any past theft.
  11. Feel parts of yourself coming back to you, and allowing yourself to feel safe, protected and open to the light. Leave when you are ready, focusing on feeling into high vibration emotions – lightness, love and joy (smiling will help call this in as well).

With love, light and brightest blessings,

~ Sharna