I didn’t even notice the caterpillar in this photo until I was getting ready to post it, but how perfect for nature’s fall transformation. I was out running the trails and just amazing by the astounding colors everywhere here in New Mexico.

And particularly as we head into this “Black Moon” tonight, which is the New Moon’s equivalent of a “Blue Moon,” i.e. a Black Moon is when we have two New Moons in a calendar month (just as a Blue Moon is when we have two Full Moons). This New Moon is in Libra and as Leah Whitehorse of LUA Astrology writes:

“Generally speaking, Libra is where we learn how to deal with other people through learning about ourselves. The more aware we are of our inner self, the easier our relationships function. In Libra, we learn to compromise, negotiate and look for win-win solutions. This sign strongly advocates equality, fairness and justice for all. At this lunation, it’s time to find your centre and check whether you are also being fair to yourself. The shadow side of Libra is that it can slip into over-compromising behaviour and at worst, co-dependency.

This New Moon is conjunct bountiful Jupiter so we’re back to the party atmosphere I mentioned above. Jupiter has only just landed in Libra and after all the self improvements made in Virgo, it’s now time to develop our relationships. With Jupiter here, we want to make a BIG impression – Jupiter magnifies what it touches – and maybe we want others to see that everything is just fine. “That’s NO problem at all” bellows Jupiter and certainly, he does help us to see the positives.”