Just driving along the windy Santa Fe road after seeing clients, I turn the corner and four deer are just hanging out, eating. Took my breath away!

Deer are also powerful medicine, and seeing them was portentous not just because of what they represent, but also because just earlier in the day I’d been talking to my mom and she said “You’re my deer.”

And went on to talk about the qualities of deer medicine:

  • gentle
  • graceful
  • eloquent
  • creative
  • quick
  • agile
  • intuitive and;
  • sensitive.

It’s such delicate and beautiful medicine, and I think my mom has a touch of it too!

We can call on our animal brothers and sisters when we find ourselves needing some of the qualities they represent. As I walk this still transformational path of settling into life in New Mexico, deer medicine is often exactly what I need.