Had such a beautiful time at my Guide Speak Workshop in Calgary tonight! Got to meet my friends and clients in-person, plus some new awesome friends-in-the-making too! I love getting to share how our other side team supports and communicates with us, as well as developing and practicing the innate intuitive abilities we all have.

In making an altar of any kind, I always teach that we can use every day objects as well as those that are sacred to us. Sometimes items we use every day have so much power exactly because we put our energy into them on a daily basis. I like to create altars honoring all of the four elements:

  • earth
  • air
  • water
  • fire

This is easily done for most by lighting a candle for fire, filling a cup with water, finding a feather or an image of a bird or angel for air, and bringing in something from outside (some rocks, a bit of earth in a bowl) for earth. I also like to add in elements of whatever I may be working on releasing or calling in, and I often have photos of loved ones, ancestors and/or beloved deities on my altar as well.