I know I learned somewhere along the line, that a person can become a band aid for past hurts and wounds. Unintentionally, it’s the place from which I used to seek out relationships – gravitating toward people that made me feel better about myself, or made me feel protected; but perhaps not seeing those people for who they truly were…not allowing them to simply be.

To love someone for who he or she is, and not for what he or she does, has been a huge lesson for me – mainly because I believed for so long that my own value lay in my doingness, and not in my beingness. And so of course, I would replicate that mirror in others.

But when I also learned to hold my wounds as sacred, to not hide away my scars, and to foster healing for myself, I found I no longer needed others to do it for me – and so they too could just be.

From this place I began choosing different kinds of people to be in my life, mainly those who live from a similar place…for when we each take responsibility for our own healing, we can be in authentic, deep and brilliant beingness with others.