These are the only red cactus blossoms I’ve yet seen on my trail runs – the color still puts me in awe. And also immediately made me think of all that’s been happening with Mars astrologically (as the red planet with all it’s fiery energy ) – both it’s retrograde period (ending June 29) and it being in Scorpio (ending August 2).

Dr. Bairavee Balasubramaniam writes:

“Between now till the end of June 2016, our journey into the Shadow/Underworld/Sub-conscious realms is going to be unusually intense. We will revisit skeletons in the closet not yet unearthed, heal and release parts of ourselves that are wounded (or specific relationships with that sense of wounding), slay – or – befriend your demons and dragons (depends on your paradigm). And energetic work of that ilk. Whether consider it a domain of torture, or of profound rebirth, or alchemy, or all of the above … whatever you do is going to be intense and transformative in an all-or-nothing kind of way. (Hello, Scorpio).

Generally speaking, the Mars-in-Scorpio-Retrograde period (late May – late June) is a good time to to see where you´ve invested your energy and resources and whether merger or withdrawal seems most appropriate. Things like karmic entanglements, ancestral work and matters of a less visible ( ´occult´ ) nature may need your attention at this time – look for a qualified practitioner if in doubt. Practices of psychic protection will be of great use (grounding, salt baths, wearing or using black obsidian and selenite) as a general rule.”