
Smudging with Palo Santo

I arrived in San Diego last night from an amazing week long trip to Mexico, and am so grateful to have three full days here of Reiki clients! I'm smudging with my fav palo santo in between sessions, and loving this glorious weather. I'm back to San Diego again next Tuesday and Wednesday (11/15 & [...]

By |2017-05-04T22:50:42-06:00November 7th, 2016|Herbalism, Travel|0 Comments

Samhain & Day of the Dead Celebration

Tonight we recognize the veil is thin, and we celebrate and honor our ancestors and loved ones who have crossed. Here in San Miguel de Allende we're putting together the traditional Día de los Muertos offering, sharing stories and memories of our loved ones, honoring their lives, connections and contributions. Samhain is the parallel Celtic [...]

By |2017-05-04T22:50:42-06:00October 31st, 2016|Moon Cycles, Travel|0 Comments

Reiki 1 San Diego Preparations

Day 2 of teaching Reiki 1 in San Diego and we are having such an amazing time! So grateful for the beautiful souls who have showed up to share this deep, sacred path and as always to Feng Shui Modern for the fantastic space! This trip back to San Diego has been the busiest yet, [...]

By |2017-05-04T22:50:42-06:00September 18th, 2016|Reiki, Travel|0 Comments

Drum Magic and My Nephew

My nephew and sister came to visit me in Santa Fe for my birthday weekend! My nephew has loved my drum since I brought it home with me from Taos Pueblo last year. He was saying "drum" the whole way to my office and it was the sweetest reunion. He also took all my animal [...]

By |2017-05-04T22:50:42-06:00June 1st, 2016|Reflections, Travel|0 Comments

Reiki 1 San Diego Graduates – May

This weekend's Reiki 1 San Diego graduates! We also were so lucky to have one of my Master level apprentices sitting in on the class, creating a beautifully rich, multi-layered experience. The more I teach this work, the more amazed I am about the uniqueness of the light and energy that each student brings. Also [...]

By |2016-05-26T10:51:47-06:00May 16th, 2016|Reiki, Travel|1 Comment
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