In-Person Reiki

In-Person Reiki2017-05-04T22:50:41-06:00

Leveraging more than just traditional Usui Reiki, Sharna combines many different modalities to create a complete and holistic experience based on your needs and personal healing path. As such, depending on your interests, sessions may also include:

  • guided meditation
  • intuitive reading/channeling
  • learning how to work with your guides and intuition
  • tarot and oracle card work
  • learning to work with your body, astrology the seasons and moon/sun cycles

After their sessions, clients report feeling calmer, more relaxed and happier. They are also freed from physical pain they may have been experiencing and are able to move through the obstacles or blocks in their lives more easily. Learn more by reading Sharna’s testimonials.

Sessions are offered in 30, 60 and 90 minute increments.

Couples Reiki

Sharna also offers Couples Reiki sessions to help improve your relationship. Many couples try Couples Reiki after traditional talk therapy hasn’t worked and/or they’ve found they’re stuck within a cycle in their relationship they can’t break out of. Couples Reiki takes the “talking” out of the process (a place many couples become stuck) and moves energy directly through the cords and connections between the couple.

Couples Reiki can be done in person or via distance. Both couples must be present for the session, and in addition to Reiki, intuitive information as well as tools and tips are offered for the couple to work on after the session.

Sessions are offered in 90 and 120 minute increments.

See pricing on our rates page.


“Having been to a handful of mental health professionals, I have to honestly say it wasn’t until I met with Sharna that I was able to feel a shift in perspective, a new appreciation and understanding of my life, and a gentleness with MY healing process. Sharna’s approach is so individualized, I felt she really listened to my story and offered perspective that is for me and me alone. Sharna is a healer. A loving, caring, genuine, and personal healer who provides the utmost professional experience.”
Melissa S., Read more.
“Beyond the physical benefits I have received, I feel more coordinated, focused and grounded. Her treatments have infiltrated benefits throughout my lifestyle by instilling a balanced determination; specifically impacting my relationships, attitudes and work life. I feel more joyful, free and calm so that I am able to more easily navigate through each situation I encounter. Side effects may include increased confidence, willpower, or other abilities. Forever I am grateful to have come across Sharna and her practice.”
Alicia B., Read more.

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