Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki2017-05-04T22:50:41-06:00

Distance Reiki sessions work exactly like in-person sessions, however they are conducted via phone. As the hermetic law of similarity states that we are all connected across time and distance, distance Reiki sessions allow a link to be set up between Sharna and the client to facilitate the same healing benefits you’d receive in-person.

Your energy is mapped to a healing crystal, and energy is sent into this crystal, which is received by your own physical and energetic bodies. Many clients are skeptical until they try it and report the same benefits as in-person sessions. Sharna works with clients internationally, and you can read more about their results by reading our testimonials.

You will be on the phone with Sharna during the entire session, and you’ll begin with a guided meditation to help your energies connect. You’ll also have the opportunity to share any issues you’d like to work on or through. After the meditation, Sharna will move between providing Reiki to areas of the body, and then sharing with you the information and messages she received during her work. Clients report feeling refreshed and relaxed after sessions, and many can even physically feel the energy moving, with some saying they felt the places she is working on.

Sessions are offered in 60, 90 and 120 minute increments.



“Without ever meeting me personally, as I live on the east coast and she on the west, Sharna was able to tap into my energy and reveal things that are nothing short of incredible! She has such a beautiful, soothing voice and manner. Each session is different, but beneficial in many ways. If you are considering Reiki for the first time or are a seasoned pro, I highly recommend a session with Sharna.”
Renee R., Read more.
“Our session was over the phone, so as much as I believed Sharna could help, I also felt that there would be limitation because of the distance. I was wrong. After my first session I felt like a weight was lifted. Sharna cleared away my emotional blocks but also gave me tools so I could keep working on strengthening my emotional state. To my amazement, in one session she changed my view of my future.”
Melissa H., Read more.

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