
Rose & Lavender Body Butter Recipe

Just finished making this Rose and Lavender Body Butter using shea butter, jojoba oil and lavender and rose essential oils. Most commercial lotions are chalkful of chemicals, and even many of the all natural lotions have harmful ingredients. It's particularly dry right now in New Mexico, so this is much-needed medicine. I used Live Simply's super [...]

By |2017-10-25T13:57:26-06:00October 8th, 2017|Aromatherapy, Health, Herbalism, Recipes|0 Comments

Smelling Salts Recipe

Smelling salts can be a great vehicle for essential oils, and a simple, portable and “no mess” way to use aromatherapy on a regular basis. A small bottle with a cork stopper can be carried around in your purse, or you can use an open glass or ceramic dish on your desktop, like you would [...]

By |2017-05-04T22:50:41-06:00March 28th, 2017|Aromatherapy|0 Comments

Aura and Energy Cleansing Sprays & Solar Eclipse

Charging up my newest batch of Aura and Energy Cleansing sprays! Anyone can make these spritzers - I combine: distilled water a little organic witch hazel a small piece of crystal quartz; and my own aromatherapy blends Pictured here are Lavender-Geranium (calming) and Lemongrass-Orange (brightening). I also infuse them with Reiki and I'm about to [...]

By |2015-09-12T21:56:27-06:00September 12th, 2015|Aromatherapy, Moon Cycles|0 Comments
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