Date(s) - 03/21/2023
7:15 pm - 8:15 pm

Online Workshop

The New Moon is also known as the dark of the moon, a time of new beginnings. During the New Moon we set intentions for the upcoming 28 day cycle. This is also a time of pause and reflection, where we tune into where we have been and where we are going – what might we like to call into our life? How can we use our creativity and our energy to manifest our heart’s desire?

This month’s New Moon is in Aries, and we will gather virtually via Zoom for a New Moon ceremony. We will work with the elements, specifically the element of fire, to tap into our desires and set intentions for the coming month. This is also the Spring Equinox, a potent time of balance as well as the beginning of the astrological New Year. Join us in conscious community, as we join our energies in synergistic manifestation!

COST: $25 via Patreon

(the “Ritual” Patreon tier also includes weekly Group Distance Healings).


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