
New Sound Healing & Reiki Event

New Sound Healing & Reiki Event in San Diego on Saturday, 12/13 from 11am-1pm for just $25! I'm teaming up with the amazing Sound Healer Toni Narins to offer 2 hours of sound healing combined with hands-on Reiki by me at Spirit Yoga Studios in Pacific Beach! You'll get to experience: gongs tuning forks singing bowls, [...]

By |2015-12-16T15:15:21-07:00November 24th, 2015|Reiki|2 Comments

Aura and Energy Cleansing Sprays & Solar Eclipse

Charging up my newest batch of Aura and Energy Cleansing sprays! Anyone can make these spritzers - I combine: distilled water a little organic witch hazel a small piece of crystal quartz; and my own aromatherapy blends Pictured here are Lavender-Geranium (calming) and Lemongrass-Orange (brightening). I also infuse them with Reiki and I'm about to [...]

By |2015-09-12T21:56:27-06:00September 12th, 2015|Aromatherapy, Moon Cycles|0 Comments


Sometimes your sissy sends you a card in the mail and it couldn't be more perfect. I don't think it's entirely intentional that social media has become a highlight reel, but I do feel we've lost the depth of honesty that comes in all the layers of the human experience when we just talk about [...]

By |2017-05-04T22:50:45-06:00August 4th, 2015|Reflections|0 Comments
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