
All About Osha

Getting ready to brew up some of this New Mexico wildcrafted osha root from #milagroherbs here in Santa Fe. Osha was one of the first herbs I ever worked with, recommended by a wise woman and herbalist friend when I was suffering from a lingering cough due to cold. Osha and I have had a [...]

By |2019-01-25T12:27:36-07:00January 25th, 2019|Herbalism|1 Comment

Lemon Balm + How to Make Herbal Infusions

I've been recommending lemon balm to clients left and right the last few weeks, so I thought I'd brew some up for myself, and also post a little bit about this incredible herb. Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is used topically in balms and salves to treat skin issues such as shingles, dry skin, eczema, cold [...]

By |2017-10-09T18:16:58-06:00October 9th, 2017|Herbalism, Recipes|0 Comments

Rose & Lavender Body Butter Recipe

Just finished making this Rose and Lavender Body Butter using shea butter, jojoba oil and lavender and rose essential oils. Most commercial lotions are chalkful of chemicals, and even many of the all natural lotions have harmful ingredients. It's particularly dry right now in New Mexico, so this is much-needed medicine. I used Live Simply's super [...]

By |2017-10-25T13:57:26-06:00October 8th, 2017|Aromatherapy, Health, Herbalism, Recipes|0 Comments

Smudging with Palo Santo

I arrived in San Diego last night from an amazing week long trip to Mexico, and am so grateful to have three full days here of Reiki clients! I'm smudging with my fav palo santo in between sessions, and loving this glorious weather. I'm back to San Diego again next Tuesday and Wednesday (11/15 & [...]

By |2017-05-04T22:50:42-06:00November 7th, 2016|Herbalism, Travel|0 Comments

New Mexico Chamisa Blooming

My beautiful friend, Toni of Elemental Sound Healing, told me earlier this month that New Mexico was about to turn gold and purple and holy goddess, it sure has! The chamisa is blooming absolutely everywhere, along with bright sunflowers. It's been such a blessing to watch the seasons and nature unfold its glorious gifts since I [...]

By |2016-11-29T14:20:41-07:00September 30th, 2016|Herbalism|0 Comments

Stopping to Smell the Roses

These sweet, sunny roses run along my fence line, and how perfect a reminder of the shining, lightness of summer! It's kinda impossible not to feel bright when you're looking at a yellow rose...I mean, "stopping to smell the roses" became a cliche for a reason! Mama earth is blooming in our part of the [...]

By |2016-06-15T21:44:38-06:00May 27th, 2016|Herbalism, Reflections|1 Comment

How to Make Chaga Tea and Why!

Mmmmmm chaga tea! So so yummy, with such amazing health benefits, and a great alternative to coffee. Often called a mushroom, it's technically mycelium embedded in semi-digested wood. Chaga's healing properties include boosting the immune system due to its abundance of Beta-D-Glucans, normalizing blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as soothing the intestinal tract combating [...]

By |2015-12-18T10:52:57-07:00December 14th, 2015|Health, Herbalism, Recipes|4 Comments

Sweetgrass Braids for Attracting Positive Energy

The smell of sweetgrass, is exactly that: soft and sweet. The other morning I was smudging my home with this sweetgrass braid from Taos Pueblo. Just as we burn sage to cleanse heavy or negative energies, we smudge with sweetgrass to attract positive and light energies. As such it's often burned at the end of [...]

By |2016-01-10T09:34:11-07:00November 15th, 2015|Health, Herbalism|0 Comments
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