Getting ready to brew up some of this New Mexico wildcrafted osha root from #milagroherbs here in Santa Fe. Osha was one of the first herbs I ever worked with, recommended by a wise woman and herbalist friend when I was suffering from a lingering cough due to cold. Osha and I have had a regular winter love affair ever since.

I’m not the only one, as osha is called a love root, lovage or bear root, because after digging it up and chewing on it, bears take to nuzzling one another due to its oxytocin (the bonding hormone) producing properties.

More traditionally, Osha is consumed by humans to support the respiratory system. It contains anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and as such is often used at the first sign of a cold or flu to help reduce the affects. It also promotes higher oxygen intake, which is beneficial in Northern New Mexico where osha grows naturally, easing breathing at higher altitudes.

Because osha is a root, it’s prepared via decoction, which involves gently simmering the dried root in several cups of water for anywhere from 30 mins to six hours, depending on desired potency.

Osha tinctures can also be bought in most health food stores for easier use, or in capsule format (less preferred for potency, but the taste of the tincture is quite sharp and strong, making capsules preferable for some).

Who else loves osha? ❤️🙋🏻‍♀️🐻

PS: Worry not, I’m not sick…just doing a little stocking up in between sessions today.