Bird animal medicine is powerful, and connected in to realms of higher spirituality, intellect, curiosity, freedom, communication, play and independence. Feathers can be used as a powerful talisman to connect you in to bird animal medicine:

1. Set the feather in front of you or on your lap.

2. Begin slow, rhythmic breathing. Inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four, and then exhale for a count of four. Keep your breath slow and steady, relaxing with each breath.

3. Bring to your mind an image of the bird and review its qualities and characteristics.

4. Visualize your bird in flight. As you observe its flight in your mind, see it radiating the qualities you associate with it.

5. Pick up your feather. Hold it by its stem with both hands several inches in front of your mouth. Keep your eyes closed and imagine its wing movement while in flight, allowing your breathing to follow that same rhythm. As the wings move down, you inhale; as they move up, you exhale.

6. With each breath out, exhale on the feather. Envision this as a means of both honoring the power of flight and also of uniting your life breath with the life breath of your bird totem. Continue this breathing for a minute or two. Visualize this as a breathing of new life into the feather.7. You’ll feel slight vibration in the feather -tingling, a sense of increased pressure, a warmth or other feeling, encompassing both hands, as the energy of the feather comes to life and affects the air around it.

8. As you hold the feather, imagine the energy surrounding the feather moving up your arms and into your body. Take a few moments and visualize the energy of the bird awakening in you, with all of its corresponding abilities. Envision yourself using these energies and abilities successfully in the week ahead.

Take a few moments and repeat this exercise as often as you use the feather. It awakens and empowers it, increasing the energy the more you work with it. The more concentrated your thoughts during the breathing, the more powerful the energy of the feather becomes.

(Adapted from Ted Andrews’ Animal Speak)