Free Resources

Free Resources2023-02-27T10:45:08-07:00

Group Distance Healings

These are offered via distance, and Reiki is sent to you at 8am Mountain Time. No phone call or other contact is initiated, and you may either be resting quietly for maximum benefit, or going about your day/evening. A Source Message is also channeled, recorded and sent to you post session. Group Distance Healings are now being offered via subscription on Patreon.

Podcast – Seek with Sharna

Combining meditations with personal reflections, Seek with Sharna provides insight into ways to ground, center and use energy to improve your life.


Interviews & Talks

Sharna is frequently interviewed for conferences and podcasts. Scroll through the links below to find valuable information on topics related to personal development and healing.

Guest Articles

Sharn frequently interviewed writes guest articles for online journals and publications. Scroll through the links below to find valuable information on topics related to personal development and healing.

Free Online Classes & Workshops

Animal Medicine Workshop

Have you ever wondered who your animal totems are? Or how to work with or call in animal guides for support? Join us for Animal Medicine Online Workshop and meet your power animal(s)!

In this two-hour workshop we’ll cover:

  • how animal medicine can show up in our lives
  • how to meet your personal power animal(s)
  • how to honor and work with animal medicine for your ongoing healing and happiness

Cultivating Confidence Workshop

Have you ever wondered where true confidence comes from? Or why and how you can feel so confident in certain situations, but not in others? This workshop delves into the origins of confidence, covering:

  • how the mind and body are connected to confidence
  • tools to work through wavering confidence before and during events/interactions
  • how to align your energy body to create and maintain confidence in your life
  • how to embody what it means to be empowered

Boundaries & Energetic Shielding Workshop

In this workshop, we discuss ways to help manage energetic boundaries. For many of us who are empaths, or easily affected by the energy of others, we can find ourselves drained, swinging between moods and/or unaware of what emotions are ours or other people’s. Among other topics, we cover:

  • how to feel and “own” your energy
  • how to discharge or release energy you’ve taken on from others
  • how to work with and maintain your boundaries
  • energetic tools and techniques to support a healthy energy body

Distance Reiki Circle for Healing & Peace

This is a one-hour, pre-recorded meditation of a Distance Healing Circle led on 7/12/16 in light of the many recent tragedies happening in the nation and across the world. The meditation is free and can be used individually or in groups to help send healing energy to the past, present and future.

For Reiki practitioners wanting to practice their distance healing skills, this can also be a valuable tool while at the same time providing much-needed healing to our planet.

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